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(10.31) 국제세미나-아시아의 뉴스채널

조회수 : 263
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2. 한국방송학회는 방송통신위원회와 중앙방송의 후원으로 싱가폴국립대학교의 ARI연구소와 함께 <아시아의 뉴스채널>이라는 주제의 국제학술세미나를 아래와 같이 개최합니다.
- 아 래-
□ 세미나 제목: The News Channel in Asia International Conference
□ 세미나 일정: 30 October – 2 November, 2008
□ 장 소: National University of Singapore (NUS)
□ 주 최: KABS (Korean Association for Broadcasting & Telecommunication Studies) Co-host: Asia Research Institute, NUS
□ 후 원: 방송통신위원회(Korea Communications Commission), 중앙방송(Joong Ang Broadcasting)
□ 일정(Schedule)
Oct 31 (Fri)
09:00-09:20 Participants registration
Opening ceremony Opening Remark: Han Jin Mann (Chair, KAB)
Conference Moderator: Choi, Young Jae (Hallym Univ.)
“Exploring Asia News Channel”
Moderator: Choi, Yang Soo (Yonsei University,Korea)
Speaker 1: Xu Xiaoge (Nanyang Technology University),
"Mapping, measuring and modeling press differences in Asia”
Speaker 2: Choi, Young Jae (Hallym Univ.) &Shim Doobo (Sungshin Univ.), “Critical issues in Asia news channel”
Speaker 3: Subramaniam Arun, (Indian Institute of Journalism and News Media, India),
“Covering Asian news comparing the Western news”
Discussants: 김상호(대구대 교수), Son, Jun Mo (NUS 교수), 김세은(강원대 교수)
11:00 – 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:30
Session 2
“Asia journalism model: Value, culture and practice”
Moderator: Kim, Hyunjoo (Gwangwoon Univ.,Korea)
Speaker 1: Laurence Wai-Teng Leong (National University of Singapore)
Speaker 2: Sharon Wilson (Universitiy Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia),
“Women in the newsroom: Challenges in breaking the glass ceiling”
Discussants: 김경희(한림대 교수), 정연우(세명대 교수), 김채환(동명대 교수)
12:30-13:40 Lunch
Session 3: Asia News Production & Consumption
Moderator: 이종수(한양대 교수)
Speaker 1: Chua Beng Huat (NUS) “Newspaper as imaginary geography of East Asia pop culture”
Speaker 2: Paragas Fernando (University of the Philippines)
"Locating the foreign in Philippine evening news programs: Content and audience contexts and implications"
Discussants: 임동욱(광주대 교수),남종훈(대구카톨릭대 교수), 유승관(동명대 교수)
15:20-15:30 Closing Remark
16:40 – 18:00 Visitation to AMIC (Asia Media & Information Center, Nanyang Technology University)
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner of KCC & ARI