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2007 Seoul Symposium on Mobile Communication (SSMC 2007) (10.18~19)

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 322
2007 모바일 커뮤니케이션 서울 심포지엄
2007 Seoul Symposium on Mobile Communication

대주제: Mobile Communication and Borderless Society: 모바일 커뮤니케이션과 경계의 소멸

☞ 일시: 2007 10 18() ~ 19()

☞ 장소: 프레스센터 20층 국제회의장

☞ 세부주제
Young Perspectives Session
The 1st session: Mobile Communication and Extension of Individuals
The 2nd session: Mobile Communication and New Paradigm of Media Industries
Young Perspectives Session
The 3rd session: Mobile Communication and Restructuring of Regulatory Systems
The 4th session: Mobile Communication and Convergence of Cultures
The 5th session (Round Table): Mobile Communication and Social & Cultural Change

☞ 프로그램: SKT Conference 발제문 다운로드 
