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국제컨퍼런스 AEJMC-KACA(재미 한국커뮤니케이션학회) 세션 논문 공고 안내

1. 회원님들의 건강을 기원합니다.


2. KACA(재미 한국커뮤니케이션학회)는 2022년 8월 3일부터 6일까지 미국 디트로이트에서 개최될 AEJMC(Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) 세션 논문을 아래와 같이 공모합니다. 회원님들의 많은 관심과 참여바랍니다.


- 다 음 -


The Korean American Communication Association (KACA) invites submissions of original research papers for the 2022 AEJMC-KACA competitive research session. We encourage submissions that advance theories and expand our understanding of various aspects of media and communication relevant to Korean and/or other Asian contexts. The AEJMC-KACA session welcomes a variety of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches.


​ Deadline: All submissions must be made no later than 11:59pm Eastern Time, Thursday, April 22, 2022.


□ Categories: A paper should be submitted in one of the two categories: (1) open competition or (2) student competition. Authors are welcome to submit either full papers or extended abstracts. Only full papers will be considered for KACA division awards.


​ Submission: Please submit the files (the title page file and the research paper file in MS Word or pdf format) to aejmckaca@gmail.com


□ Graduate Students: Submissions from graduate students are highly recommended as student submissions are considered a separate category.




□ 문의

- 이지영 알라바마대학 조교수(jlee284@ua.edu)


※ 기타 자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참조바람.

첨부 1. CFP 2022 KACA AEJMC. 끝 
