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CFP: KABS International Conference: Global Digital Technology and Culture

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 6762





Global Digital Technology and Culture Conference


August 17-18, 2018

Seoul, South Korea



KABS International Conference


In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Korean Association for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies (KABS) and to launch a new scholarly journal, KABS will hold a two-day conference with the general theme of “Global Digital Technology and Culture” in Seoul, South Korea, on August 17-18, 2018. The primary goal of the conference is to broadly discuss the changing digital technology environment and its cultural, social and/or psychological consequences from a global perspective. 


KABS will launch its international journal titled International Journal of Communication and Technology (tentatively with Routledge) in November 2018, and selected papers from the conference will be published in the inaugural issue of the newly launched journal. The new journal will focus on research on communication and technology with an international scope and diverse perspectives. It may cover any regions or countries, and all communication research topics related to the growing importance of technology will be considered for review, as long as they have international foci.


Research papers relating to the general theme of Global Digital Technology and Culture, include but not limited to the following specific areas and topics:

·          Global communication and social change

·          Global media industries

·          Mass communication

·          Interpersonal communication

·          Intercultural communication

·          Journalism studies

·          Health communication

·          New media technologies

·          and Critical cultural studies

Studies employing historical and comparative analysis focused on international perspectives as well as contemporary processes such as globalization are also welcome. 

Keynote speakers at the conference will be as follows:

·          Terry Flew (Queensland University of Technology, Australia: confirmed)

·          Marwan Kraidy (University of Pennsylvania, USA: to be confirmed)

·          Rich Ling (Nanyang Technological University of Singapore: confirmed)

·          Charles Berger (University of California at Davis, USA: to be confirmed)

·          R. Lance Holbert (Temple University, USA)

·          Hye-ryeon Lee (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)


Paper submissions

Those who are interested in presenting at the conference (and publishing in the Journal later) should submit an extended abstract (less than 3 pages) in the form of PDF or MS Word by June 5, 2018. Notification of accepted abstracts will be sent by June 12. The authors of accepted abstracts should submit a completed paper by July 20, 2018. Completed papers are limited to 25 pages in length (Times New Roman, double-spaced excluding references, tables, and figures, with 12-font size and 1-inch margins). Completed papers will include a brief abstract (less than 200 words). Two anonymous reviewers will evaluate submitted abstracts with respect to quality of the extended abstract, including rigor of suggested theory and method, and significance of the expected findings.

Three separate files are required for paper submission: (1) Title page, (2) Extended abstract, and (3) Manuscript (for accepted abstracts only).

Title page: A separate title page is required. The title page should include the following information:

·         Paper title

·         3 to 6 keywords

·         All author names, affiliations, and departments listed in the order

·         Corresponding author and contact information including e-mail address 

Extended abstract: For blind reviews of submissions, all author identification should be removed from the document except for the title page. The extended abstract should include the following:

·         A communication issue/topic and its importance

·         Theory(ies) to be employed

·         Suggested methods

·         Expected findings

·         Possible contributions to the field
