회원님들의 건승을
2. 한국방송학회는
오는 4월 22일부터 23일까지
전북대학교에서 개최되는 2016년 봄철 정기학술대회의 국제세션을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 많은 관심과 참여를
부탁드립니다. 아울러 외국인 동료 교수 및 외국인 대학원생들의 적극적인 참여를 권고 부탁드립니다.
<2016 KABS Annual Spring
Media Requiem: Revisiting Media and/for Democracy
Friday, April 22 – Saturday, April 23,
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South
Call for Papers/Abstracts for
International Sessions:
The World Press Freedom Index has given a worrying overview of
press freedom in South Korea over the last few years. After reaching its highest
rank in 2006, the level of press freedom has been in general decline and marked
the lowest rank in 2014. The theme of the conference arose from our acute
awareness as communication scholars of the current condition of the media
environment where its role in building and maintaining a democratic society
became diminished. We believe that the same concern is shared by communication
scholars who work in and on other parts of Asia. In the last year’s World Press
Freedom Index, Taiwan was the only Asian country in a satisfactory situation
while other Asian countries ranged between a situation with noticeable problems
and very serious situation. To reflect the current status of media and democracy
from wider perspectives, the Korean Association for Broadcasting and
Telecommunications Studies (KABS) will run its first international sessions,
inviting concerned scholars from Asia and beyond.
While submissions under the main theme are encouraged, we also
welcome topics that encompass various sub-disciplines in communication studies
including, but not limited to, new media and technology, cultural/critical
studies, communication history, communication law and policy, mass
communication, journalism studies, and media industry
Submission types:
§ Full paper: should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, plus tables, images, appendices, and references.
§ Extended abstracts: should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length excluding references.
§ Both full papers and extended abstracts should contain i) title, ii) clear statement of research question(s), iii) methods/methodologies, iv) results, and references.
§ Full papers and extended abstracts should be submitted to
oyeonj@hallym.ac.kr. If you have any inquiries about the conference or
submission, please contact Dr. Yeon Ju Oh at oyeonj@hallym.ac.kr.
§ International sessions will be in either English or Chinese. While
full papers, extended abstracts, and PowerPoint slides (to be used onsite) must
be written in English, presentations can be given in Chinese. Please indicate
your preferred language for presentation when submitting papers or abstracts.
Please note that sessions other than international sessions will be in Korean.
§ Full papers or extended abstracts submission: 6PM (KST) March 14, 2016
§ Announcement of accepted papers and abstracts: Usually within two weeks of submission
§ Registration starts on: March 21, 2016
To encourage participation from scholars who cannot secure travel
fund from their own institutions, KABS offers USD400 travel grants up to 10
scholars. Grant recipients will be decided based on the quality of
papers/abstracts. Those who would like to apply for a grant should make a
request along with the submission. (Please note that this grant is only
applicable to those who travel outside
The conference venue is easily accessible from Incheon International Airport via bus. Attendees will have an option to stay at Hotel Le Win during the conference at a discounted price. We will provide further information on the accommodation once the review process is completed.